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Masha and The Bear - Now in English - How they met (Episode 1) HD

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Категория ролика: Интересное и занимательное
Теги: познавательное, интересное, занимательное
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Far away in a little house by the railroad lives a little and a very restless girl called Masha. She loves to play so much that all other animals don't share her enthusiasm and always hide from her. One day she is fed up with it and flees into the forest. There she finds a cozy-looking house that belongs to the Bear, who at this moment just gone fishing. Upon his return, he discovers his lovely house in shambles. He finds the source of the mess inside his very house - it turns out to be a little girl that was using his bed as her personal trampoline. The Bear does his best to get rid of the pesky guest. But when he succeeds, he suddenly feels anxiety for the little child he left in the forest. The Bear rushes to find her and finally discovers her in his own house.
Music by Vasiliy Bogatyrev
Official website:
Far away in a little house by the railroad lives a little and a very restless girl called Masha. She loves to play so much that all other animals don't share her enthusiasm and always hide from her. One day she is fed up with it and flees into the forest. There she finds a cozy-looking house that belongs to the Bear, who at this moment just gone fishing. Upon his return, he discovers his lovely house in shambles. He finds the source of the mess inside his very house - it turns out to be a little girl that was using his bed as her personal trampoline. The Bear does his best to get rid of the pesky guest. But when he succeeds, he suddenly feels anxiety for the little child he left in the forest. The Bear rushes to find her and finally discovers her in his own house.
Music by Vasiliy Bogatyrev
Official website:
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