Amazing iPad Animations!

Trang Trang · 42892 ролика
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Категория ролика: Интересное и занимательное

Теги: топ видео, самое клёвое видео, самое интересное видео, клёвое видео, интересное видео

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5 static images on an iPad are brought to life by passing a transparent sheet with black lines over the screen. These animations use the same concept as my other videos. The only difference is, the images in this video are on a screen instead of printed on a piece of paper. Ever since I first created my first animated optical illusion years ago I have always wondered if the concept would work on a screen. Sure enough! It does. This took about a week to produce. Everything had to be absolutely exact for the effect to work.
I used photoshop to created the 2D animations and Lightwave 3D to create the 3D animations.
Download the song in this video on iTunes.

"New Star" is the name of the track.
Also, check out St1rfrytv! They recently featured me in the Youtube Spotlight. You can learn a little bit more about me and other Youtubers on their channel. Check em out!
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