Rubiks Cube Poster Illusion!

Trang Trang · 42892 ролика
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Категория ролика: Интересное и занимательное

Теги: топ видео, самое клёвое видео, самое интересное видео, клёвое видео, интересное видео

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Check out this poster and how the hallways seem to change perspective when you change the camera angle.

This is one of my favorite illusions. The concept was simple but the process was fairly difficult. A lot of people ask if this illusion works in person. Not only does it work in person, I would say that the effect is 5 times as strong in person. In person you can still see the illusion with both eyes open. It's really pretty amazing.

Download the music in this video:

Light and Dark

A few people have asked if I created this.


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