Crazy Circle Illusion! HD

Trang Trang · 42892 ролика
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Категория ролика: Интересное и занимательное

Теги: топ видео, самое клёвое видео, самое интересное видео, клёвое видео, интересное видео

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Download the song in this video:
Song name "Monolith"



Credit for original creation of this illusion goes to:
Arthur Shapiro and Alex Rose-Henig
American University, USA

For those that say this is not an illusion:
Illusion Definition: something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.

Hey everyone! This is a simple but a goodie. Watch as the balls rotate in a circle ..but focus on one ball at a time and notice that it follows a straight line. Also, watch at the moment when there are only four balls moving, it forms a rotating square between the four balls. This is just another example of looking deeper into something so simple and discovering a hidden pattern.
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