4 Girl Chair Trick! HD

Trang Trang · 42892 ролика
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Категория ролика: Интересное и занимательное

Теги: топ видео, самое клёвое видео, самое интересное видео, клёвое видео, интересное видео

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Check out another cool version of this trick here:

Thank you to everyone that participated in this video. You all did an awesome job! Check out the links below to follow some of the girls in the video.

Girl pulling chairs:

Girl in red shirt:

Here's a simple, fun and amazing trick to try with friends, family or at a party. Just follow the layout of the chairs in the video. Make sure everyones height is about the same. You can do the trick with 3 or more people. Visually, I feel that 4 gives the best effect.

Have fun!
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